Thanks for the Referrals
Referrals are a key part of my business. I'd like to thank everyone who has referred business to me. I provide solutions to businesses and individuals based on the customer's needs and the resources available. I used to sell Viasat (formerly Exede & Wild Blue) satellite internet. I also was a business partner with Atlantic Broadband (now Breezeline) when they started in the area.
The mainstay of my business is computer service and repair for both business & residential customers. Feel free to contact me from a simple PC cleanup to networking your office with servers and workstations. I'm local and have lived in King William since 1995.
Breezeline (formerly ATLANTIC Broadband) in King William
Atlantic Broadband has acquired the Comcast system in King William. They have been installing new cable and plan to offer cable and fiber internet, phone and TV services in the Aylett, and Central garage areas. They started providing Residential & Business Internet services in 2019. They will offer business-cabled Internet service with plans with speeds of 300Mbps. Residential service will go to 1 Gig.
Internet Coverage Area Map - the map shows the initial coverage area for high-speed broadband Internet service in King William. Atlantic Broadband is known to expand its services once established in the area.
Call Armistead Computer Services has partnered with Breezeline to get local businesses signed up for their Internet, Phone, and TV services. To get your business High-Speed Internet just fill out this form and submit it. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
At this time I'm only doing business services.
Local Internet Service Information
I've been in King William since 1995 and I'm familiar with the Internet services available in the area. Feel free to contact me with any questions. If you're on Facebook the King William Hi-Speed Internet group is a great resource. Internet here is very location specific and the group can help tell you what works best in your area. Click HERE for the link.
Breezeline (Atlantic Broadband) Internet, TV and Phone
In 2019, Atlantic Broadband (now Breezeline) took over the Comcast system in King William. Breezeline provides Cable TV, Internet & Phone service. Visit their website for more information.
This is a quick overview of what Internet Services are available in King William and King & Queen Counties in Virginia.
Satellite Internet

The benefit of Satellite Internet is that it's available everywhere! The exception is the few people who have trees or other obstacles preventing them from 'seeing' the satellite out in space. Some people have contacted their TV provider (DISH or DirecTV) and have falsely told it's not available. The reason for this misinformation is that they do not have a vendor in the area that they're partnered with. A disadvantage of Satellite internet is the latency or the delay it takes for data to bounce off the satellite and back to earth. Online gamers and people who work from home with remote desktop apps are the most affected. The normal internet user usually doesn't notice this aspect. There are only two providers of the service EXEDE by ViaSat and HughesNet. Both providers have residential and business plans available. The top download speeds are 15 Mbps. The customer usually provides their own router that connects to the ISP's modem. This gives the customer wired via Ethernet and WiFi (wireless) access.
April 2018 - Viasat-2 service is about to be available in our area. It's currently being tested in the Central Virginia area and is available in lower King & Queen by Saluda and West Point. The plans are called 'unlimited' but do have soft data caps and download speeds of up to 50 Mbps.
Satellite providers are: Viasat and HughesNet
Cellular Internet
Internet services can be provided through your wireless cell phone carrier. Verizon and AT&T seem to work the best in our area. You may have luck with a discount carrier if you're near one of their towers. Cellular access is usually a WiFi connection using a Hotspot (via a cell phone or Mobile Hotspot), MiFi, or JetPack. Verizon offers Home Fusion which is a permanently mounted cellular receiver and router. One of the benefits of cellular internet is that you can bundle your data plan and share it with several devices. A disadvantage is that the service will vary depending on how well your devices can connect to the nearest cell tower. Service tends to be worse in the Summer when the leaves are on the trees and block or reflect the signal.
*** This can be a good option if you get a good signal at your place because sometimes it's cheaper to add to your existing service by adding a mifi/hotspot or similar device and adding more data to your plan ***
RiverStreet Networks Wireless Broadband Internet in King & Queen
(Fiber to the Home is coming!)
In 2013 the King and Queen County Wireless Service Authority and Gamewood Technology Group, Inc. partnered to bring residents of King and Queen County Virginia high-speed Internet service using wireless technology. Based on your proximity to their towers you can get plans with speeds from 1/2 Mbps to 6 Mbps. They offer unlimited data plans.
The system is now managed by RiverStreet Networks. Partnered with King & Queen County, they plan to bring fiber to the home FTTH within the next 5 years. Speeds will be up to 250 MBPS.
For more information see their website:
Starlink Internet Service
Starlink provides high-speed, low-latency satellite broadband internet service. In early 2022 residents of King William received their self installing kits and have high-speed service. According to Starlink our local area is at capacity so new users may have to wait until 2023 to get service. Starlink is continuing to add new satellites to its system.
Visit their website:
All Points Broadband
All Points Broadband partnered with local power companies will provide fiber to the home in King William. They plan to service over 2,200 addresses in the initial phase. To check availability visit
Verizon DSL
Verizon offers DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) service in the Central Garage Area. DSL is delivered over telephone lines and has distance limitations from the Central Office (CO). The general area that service is available is from the stoplight on Aylett on RT-360, Venter RD at RT-30, The Razway Exxon on RT-30 and Tommy's Produce on RT-360. That's the general area, but it also depends on the service lines in your area. The benefit is that it is an unlimited data plan. Download speed is up to 7 Mbps in our area. It tends to work best near the Central Garage intersection of RT-360 and RT-30. The service degrades when it gets close to the boundaries. DSL service is generally bundled with a land line (POTS) phone service.
In January 2017 I spoke with a local Verizon tech. He said that Verizon is not currently installing this service. I've also heard the same thing from customers trying to get DSL service in our area. If you're an existing Verizon DSL customer in the Central Garage area don't cancel it to try another service, because you may not be able to get it back.
*** Update February 2017 - Had a Business Client call and get service because they're a business - I haven't heard of any residential people getting installed recently ***